In order to function properly, MightyText needs some permissions to be enabled on your Android phone.

To make sure you have the proper permissions, on your Android phone (running Android 6.0 or later), go to:

 Android Settings -> Apps -> MightyText -> Permissions 

Here is a list of what permissions the app needs and why: 

For Android 13+ phones:


This is used to sync notifications (warnings, prompts, etc) directly to your Android phone. 

For Android 12+ phones:

Alarms & Reminders

This lets you schedule messages via MightyText to send at a later time.

For Android 9.0+ phones:


This is used to sync incoming and outgoing SMS & MMS messages from your phone to MightyText.


This lets you see your phone's contact names in the MightyText texting app on the computer or tablet.


This allows you to see real-time incoming calls and missed call notifications, as well as our remote dialing feature.
Call Logs
This allows you to see contact names/phone numbers in incoming call notifications, as well as see outbound calls you make from your phone.
If you have turned on photo/video sync, we need this enabled to sync photos and videos that are stored on your device.

For Android 6.0 - Android 8.1 phones:

This is used to sync incoming and outgoing SMS & MMS messages from your phone to MightyText.

This lets you see your phone's contact names in the MightyText texting app on the computer or tablet.
This allows you to see real-time incoming calls and missed call notifications, as well as our remote dialing feature.

If you have turned on photo/video sync,we need this enabled to sync photos 
and videos that are stored on your device.